I've had a fascination with pinball machines since I was a kid. Even when video
arcades came along I still considered pinball to be more fun (although at that
time I started getting heavily into home computer games too). I could probably
afford a real pinball machine by now but just don't have the space to put it.
So instead I collect and play computer pinball games. This section of my site
is about them.
This page contains my top four highscores and game stats achieved with StarPlay
Productions' Crystal Caliburn and
Loony Labyrinth for Windows Pinball. Both simulations
allow the player to save the top four scores to a file using an authentication
feature and compete for t-shirts and honor in a monthly and annual contest
sponsored by the company. Also game stats and scores can be recorded in a log
file which I've disected to create additional stats.
Then there are my personal reviews of many of
the pinball computer games and you can explore other sites about both computer pinball and
the real thing in the pinball links section.
Main Features
Pinball Links
- Andreas "Ante" Grabher's Homepage
Great pinball section dedicated to the Pro Pinball series featuring a unique players' hall of fame.
- Eric Trocmé's Pinball Passion
Eric is a French pinsim enthusiast. His pinball site features game overviews and many great screen shots.
- Erik Mooney's Pro Pinball Strategy Guides
Erik is one of the world's top scorers in the Pro Pinball series (as well as a beta tester) and offers
free advice on rules and strategy.
- Guest Book Entries
Browse my Guest Book to display only entries that were left from the Pinball Sim part of my site.
- LittleWing Ltd.
Home of the Japanese husband-wife team that brought us Tristan, Eight Ball Deluxe (Mac), Crystal Caliburn and
Loony Labyrinth. They are back with Angel Egg and Golden Logres.
- Pinball Art
The Museum of Ephemeral Cultural Artifacts has a great section on pinball art and a link section too.
- Pro Pinball: Big Race USA High Scores
Empire Interactive's official highscore page. View and submit the best scores and get program updates.
- Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey High Scores
Empire Interactive's official highscore page (apparently coming soon as of this writing...).
Also see Empire UK's Fantastic Journey Site and
the Fantastic Evolution Site.
- Pro Pinball: The Web High Scores
Empire Interactive's official highscore page. View and submit the best scores.
- Pro Pinball: Timeshock! High Scores
Empire Interactive's official highscore page. View and submit the best scores.
- Pro Pinball Players Center (PPPC)
A subscription mailing list for the Pro Pinball series. Includes chat, calendar, links, database, polls etc.
- StarPlay Productions
Makers of Crystal Caliburn and Loony Labyrinth, their site features game and company info, product news,
contest scores etc.
- Tower Of Pin
Sam Gabrielsson excellent repository for all things pinsim. Reviews, news, rulesheets, downloads, purchase info,
message board, links and my personal favorite, the highscore registry (honor principle applies).
- Visual Pinball News
Pinball for a new millennium.
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Last updated May 17, 2003 by Martin Mathis, e-mail lastbandit.com
visitors since June 14, 1996