It so happened that on a very small bridge, that was only wide
enough for one person at a time, two farmers with their donkeys
met. One farmer approached the middle of the bridge from the left,
the other from the right. As they got stuck in the middle the
obvious argument started and neither one intended to back up.
The farmer coming from the left insisted he have the right of
way as the one coming from the right is supposed to yield to the
one from the left, in his opinion. The other had a preference
for word play and concluded, "Since I am coming from the
right, I must be right". He wasn't blessed with brains and
because he didn't understand the confusing considerations of left
and right he put a bullet through the other farmer's head. The
deadly wounded farmer started falling to the right but decided
to drop to the left into the creek underneath. Like a wild river
the Reaper came speeding from the right to yield to the dead guy
entering the beyond.
It is up to the psychologists to examine why the farmer reacted
in this deadly way. What's up to you to examine are the following
stories. You simply have to flip the page from right to left to
yield to the terror and fear, the stories ahead, about to enter
your soul. Brrrr....
Last updated February 12, 2001 by Martin Mathis, e-mail